Queen City Police Motorcycle Riding Committee Competition Rules 2016
Section I. Rules Committee
A. Defined.
On the day of the Safety Competition, a Rules Committee comprised of the Head Judge, the Assistant Head Judge, and a member of the Board of Directors will be established to settle all disputes that cannot be settled at the Judge’s level.
B. Eligibility.
The Safety Competition is open to all sworn law enforcement officers who are authorized by their agency to ride a police motorcycle.
C. Motorcycle Requirements.
1. Competitors must compete on a police issued motorcycle of at least 998cc, which is equipped in the normal deployment configuration as used by their agency. Bag rails may not be removed. A bag rail is defined as a rail normally mounted in a horizontal configuration, with a minimum wall thickness of 75/1000 of an inch and a maximum wall thickness of 1/1000 of an inch.
2. Each competitor must use the same motorcycle throughout the various events unless their original motorcycle becomes inoperable. If that occurs, they may use a second motorcycle within the same registered division for the remaining events.
3. More than one competitor within the same registered division may share the same motorcycle regardless of skill level. If the intent is for multiple competitors to share a motorcycle, please notify when registering so rider numbers can be spaced apart.
D. Competitor Attire.
Competitors must wear their department’s normal “on-duty” motorcycle riding uniform, to include a properly fastened motorcycle helmet during all riding phases of the Safety Competition.
E. Motorcycle Malfunctions.
1. In the event of a mechanical failure, the rider may be permitted one (1) re-run, at the discretion of the Head Judge and/or the Board.
2. Mechanical failure would include items such as a tire goes flat, drive train breaks, brake cable snaps, or any other major item that would deem the vehicle inoperable.
3. Mechanical failures do not include such items as, loose saddle bag, loose mirrors, kick stand springs, and other similar issues. In those cases, a rider may stop and address the issue at their discretion and any penalty points for violations (putting foot down while stopped) will be assessed and time will continue.
Section III. Skill Levels and Divisions
A. Skill Levels.
1. Expert Skill Level:
a. Any competitor may elect to compete in the Expert Skill Level.
b. Any competitor who has previously competed as an expert in any police motorcycle safety competition in any jurisdiction must compete in the Expert Skill Level.
c. Any competitor who has previously competed in any four or more police motorcycle safety competitions in any jurisdiction must compete in the Expert Skill Level.
2. Intermidiate Skill Level:
a. Any competitor who has previously competed as an Intermediate in any police motorcycle safety competition any jurisdiction must compete in Intermidiate level.
b. Any competitor who has previously competed in any four or more police motorcycle safety competitions in any
jurisdiction must compete in Expert Skill Level
3. Novice Skill Level:
a. A competitor is eligible to compete in the Novice Skill Level if they do not meet any of the criteria of the Expert Skill Level or Intermidate skill level.
B. Divisions:
1. Division I - Harley-Davidson FLH w/ windshield.
2. Division II - Harley-Davidson FLH w/ fairing.
3. Division III – All other police motorcycles.
Section IV. Main Cone Course Runs
A. Goal:
The object is for the competitors to make two runs through five separate cone course events without penalty points. The first run will be at the competitor’s own pace. The second run will be timed, beginning when the competitor’s front-tire contact patch completely enters the first course and ending when the rear-tire contact patch is completely across the last course event exit gate.
B. Penalties:
1. Cone Touch - (1) point.
2. Cone Knock Down - (2) points.
3. Foot Down - (1) Points.
4. Drop the Motorcycle - (5) Points.
5. Crossing Boundary Line “One Tire” - (1) Points.
Note: In events that use boundary lines, a penalty occurs when the entire contact patch of any tire completely crosses the boundary line.
6. Running Out of the Event “Both Tires”- (DNF) 5 points.
Note: When the front and rear contact patches of the tires completely cross the imaginary line between the center points of the two adjacent cones where the motorcycle would not normally enter or exit a course event.
7. Fail to Complete Event -DNF (5) points.
Note: This occurs when a competitor enters or exits through the wrong location or does not follow the designated path of travel within a course.
8. Maximum Points - A maximum of (5) penalty points is all one competitor can be assessed in any one course event. Competitors must have less than (20) penalty points to remain eligible for any award at any level where the cone courses are a factor in scoring.
C. Ranking:
1. The competitor with the fewest combined points for both the timed and the un-timed runs will be the winner.
2. In the event the competitors have the same number of points, the fastest time will be used to determine the winner.
3. The competitor with fastest time with the least number of penalty points wins.
Example: A competitor with two clean runs and a final time of 2:00 minutes wins over a competitor with a final time of 1:50 and received one penalty point during either run.
4. In the event of a tie that results in an award, the competitor with the lowest ranking in the Challenge Ride will be the winner.
D. Awards:
1. Expert Skill Level:
a. First through third places in Divisions I,II,III
2. Intermidiate:
a. First through third places in Divisions I,II,III
3. Novice Skill Level:
a. First through third place in Divisions I,II,III
Section V. Individual Slow Ride Competition
A. Goal:
The object of the Individual Slow Ride is for the competitor to traverse down a course designated by the Committee in the slowest time without penalty points.
B. Eligibility:
1. If the competitor is from an agency that has more than four or more registered competitors, they may NOT compete in this event.
2. A competitor may NOT compete in the Individual Slow Ride if they also competed as a member of a hybrid slow ride TEAM.
3. If the competitor competes in both the Individual Slow Ride Competition and the Team Slow Ride Competition, they will be disqualified from BOTH events and the slow ride team they were a member of will also be disqualified.
C. Penalties:
1. The competitor’s time will stop if any of the following occur:
a. Puts their foot down - Time stops. (1) point
b. Drops the motorcycle - Time stops. (1)point
c. Crosses a boundary line - Time stops. (1) point
D. Timing:
Time starts when the competitor’s entire front-tire contact patch is completely across the start line. Time ends when a penalty occurs or the competitor’s entire rear-tire contact patch is completely across the finish. Times will ONLY be recorded for runs without penalty points.
E. Ranking:
1. The competitor with the slowest time without penalty points wins.
2. In the event of a tie that results in an award, the competitor with the lowest ranking in the Keyhole Slow Ride Event will be the winner.
F. Awards:
First through third Place.
Section VII. Challenge Ride
A. Goal:
The object of the Challenge Ride Event is for the competitor to traverse down an “unpracticed” course designated by the Committee in the fastest time without penalty points.
B. Penalties:
1. Any obstacle that is contacted/knocked down - (5) points.
2. Touching either brake in a no-brake section - (10) points.
3. Running out of the course - (20) points.
Note: Time will be stopped and NOT recorded for this violation. This includes when a competitor enters or exits through the wrong location or does not follow the designated path of travel within a course.
4. Maximum Points - The maximum number of points a rider can receive is twenty (20) points. Competitors must have less than (20) penalty points to remain eligible for any award at any level where the Challenge Ride is a factor in scoring.
C. Ranking:
1. The competitor with the fewest points will be the winner.
2. In the event the competitors have the same number of points, the fastest time will be used the determining factor for ranking.
3. The competitor with fastest time with the least number of penalty points wins. Example: A competitor with a clean runs and a final time of 2:00 minutes wins over a competitor with a final time of 1:50 and received five penalty points.
d. In the event of a tie, the competitor with the lowest ranking in the Main Cone Course Runs will be the winner.
D. Awards:
First through third Place.
Section VIII. Overall Rider Award
Mr. Rodeo
A. Goal:
For a competitor to show their riding skills, within their respective Skill Levels, by competing in the required events and having the lowest overall accumulation of ranking points.
B. Eligibility:
Competitors must compete in all four phases of the competition to include the Un-Timed Cone Course Run, Timed Cone Course Run, Keyhole Slow Ride (separate from the individual slow ride competition) and Challenge Ride will be combined for a total score.
C. Ranking:
1. Competitors that did NOT exceed the maximum allowable penalty points in any event will be assigned an individual ranking within the following events in their respective skill level; the combined Un-Timed and Timed Cone Course Runs, the Keyhole Slow Ride (separate from the individual slow ride competition), and the Challenge Ride. Their ranking within the three events will be combined for a total score. The competitor with the lowest number will win.
2. When ranking competitors within the individual events used for the calculations of this award, if two or more competitors are tied, they will share that rank. If this occurs, the next rank in that event will be the tied rank plus the number who shared that rank.
Example: If 4 people share the rank of 3, the next rank used would be 7.
3. After the totals have been calculated, and in the event there is a competitor with ALL clean runs, those competitors will be bumped to the top of the list and ordered by their combined ranking total. This process will ONLY be applicable for competitors with ALL clean runs and will NOT be used for subsequent point totals.
Example: If a competitor A’s rankings adds up to 15 and he had one penalty point during the phases, and competitor B’s rankings adds up to 23 but had NO penalty points, competitor B would win over competitor A.
4. In the event of a tie, the competitors highest of the three rankings will be dropped and recalculated using the remaining two to determine the winner. In the event a tie still occurs, the competitors highest of the two remaining rankings will be dropped and recalculated using the remaining one to determine the winner.
D. Awards:
1. First through Third Place overall
Section IX. Team Cone Course Competition
A. Definition:
A team consists of four or more eligible competitors from the SAME agency . Only one team from each agency will be eligible for an award. If a agency has less than 4 competitors then a hybrid team will be allowed to be formed.
B. Ranking:
1. The final scores from all agency team members will be ranked and the top four scores will be combined for total points and total time. (See Section IV, Subsection C, Paragraphs 1-3).
2. The team with the fewest penalty points will be the winner.
3. In the event the teams have the same number of penalty points, the fastest time will be used the determining factor for ranking.
4. The team with fastest time with the least number of penalty points wins.
Example: A team with all clean runs and a final time of 4:00 minutes wins over a team with a final time of 3:50 and received one penalty point.
5. In the event of a tie, the team’s three lowest scores will be recalculated to determine the winner. In the event a tie still occurs, the team’s two lowest scores will be recalculated to determine the winner.
C. Awards:
First through third Place teams will receive one trophy and four individual awards per team.
Section X. Team Slow Ride Competition
A. Definition:
1. A team consists of four eligible competitors from the SAME agency.
2. An agency may field more than one team if they have additional groups of four riders.
3. Competitors may form a “Hybrid” team if their agency does NOT have four or more riders and ONLY when they have used ALL riders from their agency.
4. Agencies with more than 4 riders but do NOT have enough to create additional teams of four, may also become members of a “Hybrid” team.
Example: If agency A and agency B both have only two registered competitors, they can form a hybrid team. If agency C has 7 registered riders, 4 can be on one team and the other 3 can partner with a 4th member from an agency with less than 4 for to form a hybrid team. If agency D has enough registered competitors to form a team and does not because one or more competitors did not want to participate on a slow ride team, NONE of its members may join a hybrid team.
B. Goal:
The object of the team slow ride is for the four designated team riders to traverse an eight foot wide by thirty foot long lane as slowly as possible. The slowest combined times of all four riders from a designated team without penalty will determine the winner.
C. Eligibility:
A competitor may NOT compete in this event as a regular or hybrid slow ride team member if they also compete in the Individual Slow Ride. If the competitor competes in both the Individual Slow Ride Competition and the Team Slow Ride Competition, they will be disqualified from BOTH events and the slow ride team they were a member of will also be disqualified.
D. Penalties:
The team’s time will stop if any of the following occurs by any team member:
1. Foot down - (1) point. 2. Drop the motorcycle - (1) point. 3. Crosses a boundary line “One Tire” - (1) point. 4. Improper Rider Exchange - (1) point.
E. Timing:
The time starts when the first team member’s entire front-tire contact patch completely crosses the start line. The time ends when a penalty occurs or the fourth team member’s entire rear-tire contact patch completely crosses the end line.
F. Rider Exchange:
1. Team members one and three begin at the right side of the lane on the starting side, and team members two and four begin on the right side at the opposite end of the lane. 2. When the first team member’s entire front-tire contact patch is about to exit from the lane, the second team member must raise their foot and enter the lane (entire front-tire contact patch is completely across the start line). Both the entering and exiting team members must have their entire front-tire contact patch in the lane at the same time with their feet up in order to avoid penalty and perform a “good” exchange. Team member number one may now exit the lane as team member two continues his slow ride in the lane. If the exiting team member commits any penalty BEFORE their rear tire patch exits the box, this will also be considered an “Improper Rider Exchange.” 3. Team member two then exchanges with team member three in the same manner as prescribed in subparagraph 2 and then team member three then exchanges with team member four in the same manner as prescribed in subparagraph 2. 4. Team member four continues his slow ride within the lane and the time stops when his entire rear-tire contact patch is completely across the finish line.
G. Ranking:
1. The team with the slowest time without penalty points wins.
2. In the event of a tie that results in an award, the team with the lowest combined rankings in the Keyhole Slow Ride Event will be the winner. H. Awards: First through Third Place teams will receive one trophy and four individual awards per team.